Autumn Term 2024
Dear Parents & Carers,
We have had a very successful start to Year 4. All classes have settled quickly and managed to get back into the routine of school. I am impressed with the enthusiasm the children have bought back with them and how adaptable they have been to the new routines.
The purpose of this letter is to outline some of the planned activities for this term.
This year homework will be set online. This can be found on the school website and is uploaded on a TUESDAY afternoon. Children will need access to a computer or tablet in order to complete their homework. Children have been given logins to access any websites or apps they are required to use. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are having problems logging on.
Thank you for your continued support with reading. All children have a Reading Record Book and are encouraged to bring a book home on a daily basis. It would be great if an adult or older sibling could hear your child read and sign the Reading Record Book. Teachers will check for 3 signatures each week. As your child finishes their book they are encouraged to take an Accelerated Reader quiz on one of the class iPads.
Doodle Maths
Once your child has completed the Doodle Maths baseline assessment, they will automatically be set tasks to do on Doodle Maths. Please encourage your child to complete these at least twice a week.
Doodle Spell
In class, we are teaching weekly spelling rules. In order to reinforce these at home, we set a weekly activity on Doodle Spell that the pupils are expected to complete. Please encourage them to do this.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Please encourage your child to complete the activities and challenges on TTRS at least twice a week as these will help reinforce their learning.
Over the course of this year, the children will be taught singing, instruments and music technology on a termly basis.
This will take place on Tuesday 24th September. Children are invited to come dressed up as a Saxon or Viking. A letter has already been sent out regarding this event.
The virtual Parents Evening dates are Tuesday 15th October and Thursday 17th October. More information regarding the booking of an appointment will be emailed to you beforehand.
4C and 4F will have swimming lessons this term, starting on Friday 27th September. Letters have been sent to these classes about the sessions. 4O and 4N will be swimming in the spring term; 4R and 4T will be swimming in the summer term. You will be provided with information about these sessions nearer the time.
Year 4 is looking forward to hosting the Christmas celebrations this year. Classes will perform in pairs and perform on one of the following dates. The Christmas productions will be on the 3rd, 4th and 6th December at 9.30am and 1.45pm. Further information will be provided about which classes are on which dates.
We are keen to continue to promote high standards both in the classroom and around school. We are delighted to see that the majority of pupils are wearing the correct school uniform. School policies, including the Uniform Policy, are available on the school website.
We know that Year 4 will be a happy and successful year. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your continued support.
Katie Campbell (Head of Year 4)