Year 4 Spring News
Dear Parents & Carers,
Happy New Year to you all! I hope that everyone had a lovely break. We have another exciting term planned and are looking forward to all that we will be learning.
Homework will continue to be set online and this can be found on the school website. Children have all been given logins to access any websites or apps they are required to use. The children are expected to read a minimum of 3 times a week, complete their Reading Record Books and ask a parent to initial it. These will be checked weekly in class. Thank you for finding the time to listen to your child read regularly because it makes such a difference to their confidence and learning.
The children will continue to practise times tables facts in school. It would be beneficial if this could also take place at home as this will increase your child’s confidence and accuracy when calculating. All pupils have a login for Times Tables Rock Stars and need to be completing the challenges on there regularly throughout the week.
This year, the children will be taught singing, instruments and music technology on a termly basis. 4R and 4T will be learning instruments this term. An additional letter has been sent out about instruments to these classes.
Our Entry Point Day for the Maya is on Tuesday 14th January, where we will be enjoying a workshop run by Mr History and a number of other Maya related activities.
Friday 31st January – 4C
Friday 7th February – 4R
Friday 7th March – 4F
Friday 14th March – 4T
4N and 4O’s assemblies will be in summer term.
Our Extended Task this term will involve each class coming up with a question based on the Maya to research. This will be due on Monday 28th March 2025.
World Book Day this year will be held on Thursday 6th March 2025. Details about this day will be sent nearer the time.
You will have an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. An online booking system will be set up nearer the time. Parents Evenings this term are on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th February 2025.
The children will need to wear their P.E. kits into school every Monday and one other day of the week (as your class teacher has informed you). 4N and 4O will be swimming, and you will have received an email with the details of this.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Mrs Campbell and the Year 4 team
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