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Year 3 Homework

Year 4 Homework

Year 5 Homework

Year 5 Homework        Set: 20.01.25


We ask that the children do 10 minutes, 3 times a week on Doodle Maths. Progress can be checked by teachers and parents. Each of the activites are personalised for your childs needs.


Children are also able to access Times Table Rockstars whenever they wish, this will support their times table knowledge.


Please read on your own or with an adult at least three times a week for twenty minutes. You can write in your own reading record, but remember to ask an adult to sign your reading record every time you read.



Based on our weekly spelling lessons, we would like you to go onto Doodle Spell at for 20 minutes (or 2 x10 minute sessions)


This week our spellings are focussing root words

Behave – misbehave

Place – replace

View – review - viewed


This Week


Literacy – This week we will be  writing a setting a description for Macbeth.


Numeracy – This week we are working on Decimals.


 Tudors Entry Point Day - Wednesday 29th January. For this day we would like the children to dress up as Tudor, either rich or poor. Please use items that you have at home rather than buying something new. If children do not wish to dress up, then they will come to school in their school uniform. 



This term, as part of our Tudor topic, we are going to be studying Shakespearian plays within our literacy lessons. During the topic, we would like to use a select number of film clips from the 1996 film of Romeo and Juliet. The rating of this film is 12 because of violence and inappropriate language. We would also like to show video clips from the 2021 film of West Side Story to compare and contrast it with Romeo and Juliet. This is also rated a 12 because of language and some violence.


The clips that we would like to show do not contain any bad language or violence. If you would not like us to show these clips, please let Mr Lloyd know.

Dates for the diary 




5T assembly – Friday 24 January  (9am & 10am)



Visit to Tower of London 

5N & 5F - Wed 12 March 

5C & 5T - Thurs 13 March 

5R & 5O - Fri 14 March





Year 6 Homework