Parent Curriculum Meeting - 19th September 2024
We hope you found the curriculum meeting useful - as promised, the presentations and resource information are available in the documents below.
Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all! We have another exciting term planned for the children in Year 3 and we are looking forward to our new topics.
All homework will continue as it did in the Autumn term. Homework is set online every Monday and is due in the following Monday. If your child has difficulty login in to any of the following please let your class teacher know:
Reading and Accelerated Reader
Thank you for finding the time to hear your child read regularly at home because it makes such a difference to their confidence and progress. By now your children should be regularly bringing home, reading and quizzing their independently selected books from school based on their Accelerated Reader range given to them by their class teacher. After you read with your child, we encourage you to write in their reading record, which should be bought into school every day. Like last after term, each Monday, your child should bring in their reading record with at least 5 signatures to show that they have regularly read each week.
Spelling and DoodleSpell
Like last half term, throughout each week, we focus on a particular spelling rule. On the homework, you can find information on our weekly rule, with some suggested words that follow it. To support this, each week, we set spellings activity on DoodleSpell which can be completed as homework. At the end of each half term, we will assess the children’s understanding of the rules. The tested words will not be sent home but will be from the rules that we have covered over the half term.
DoodleMaths and Times Table Rockstars
Each week, the children are encouraged to spend some time on either DoodleMaths or TimesTable Rockstars. DoodleMaths uses learns from your child and will adapt questions and activities according to their needs. TT Rockstars is used to help with learning time tables. Over the term, we want to consolidate their understanding of the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables (from Year 2) and work on their knowledge of the 3s, 4s and 8s. Your children will be tested on their times tables throughout the year using the multiplication check.
Talk Homework
Every week, your child will be asked to talk with an adult about a different scenario, issue or event relating to their learning in school. This will help the children to develop ideas and vocabulary for this area.
The Munchkin sports will continue to provide sports coaching on a Tuesday morning. The second day will be allocated by your child’s class teacher. During cold weather, we encourage children to wear black tracksuit bottoms and PE jumpers which can be purchased from the P.T.A. shop. During P.E, jumpers must be ‘Crofton’, with either the house jumper or usual purple Crofton jumper/ cardigan being appropriate. It is a school policy that children are not allowed to wear earrings in P.E for health and safety reasons. Children can tape earrings if they are unable to take them out but please make sure this is done before they arrive at school.
During Year 3, the children will be taught singing, music technology and recorders on a termly basis.
During the Spring term, 3C and 3R will begin with learning about listening and appraising skills in singing. 3T and 3F will begin with music technology to create their own pieces of music. 3O and 3N will learn the recorder and they will perform this at the end of the term. Recorders will need to be in school by 14th January and can be purchased from the PTA shop.
3O Class Assembly: Friday 14th February (3O parents are invited to watch their assembly at 9am or 10am in Main Hall)
French Day: Monday 10th February
Parents Evenings: Tuesday 11th February & Thursday 13th February
World Book Day: Thursday 6th March.
Year 3 Roman Entry Point Day and Rainbow Theatre: Friday 7th March (Roman inspired costumes can be worn on this day)
Rocking Romans Production: End of Spring Term dates TBD (Parents, of each paired class, are invited to watch their child’s production. There will be 2 performances: a morning and an afternoon)
We are keen to continue to promote high standards both in the classroom and around school. We are delighted to see that the majority of pupils are wearing the correct school uniform. Can we remind you that all school policies including the uniform policy are available on the school website. In anticipation of some colder and wetter weather, please ensure your child comes to school wearing a warm coat, gloves, hat and gloves that are all clearly labelled.
If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please contact your child’s teacher, Miss Formoy - Year 3 Lead or Ms Georgiadis - Year 3 Assistant Head.
Many thanks,
Miss Formoy
Year 3 Lead